Alphabet Box
Here's what it does...
1. The plan is that you (the audience) are going to think of a word and suddenly cards fly out of the box. You stop them saying "not yet, we haven't even thought of a word."
2. Since it's a birthday party, I know just what word we need as you throw a ribbon into the box and the ribbon comes flying out.
3. You put it back in along with some alphabet cards which are mixed up. You throw a glue stick into the box saying you will magically glue the word onto the ribbon when the glue stick flies out.
4. You decide to staple the letters on and place you hand into the box with the stapler and staple a few times explaining that you don't even have to look inside to do a miracle.
5. When you pull the ribbon out the cards are stapled wrong, upside down, crooked and they spell "glarfunoogan" instead of Happy Birthday. Apparently you are not as good as you thought so invite the kids to make the cards spell what is really on everyone's mind (everyone thinks it's Happy Birthday) but when the ribbon is pulled out it spells Where's the Cake? (A very funny moment with the adults as well as the kids.)
6. You ditch those cards and put another piece of ribbon in the box and with the kid's help, the ribbon is pulled out and it does indeed say "Happy Birthday" as a perfect finale to this non stop laugh filled routine.
Here's what you get...
An alphabet deck, the "Happy Birthday" cards on a ribbon, the "Where's the cake" cards on a ribbon, the "glarfunoogin" cards on a ribbon, the jumping ribbon, the gimmicked and non-gimmicked glue sticks, the 6 x 8 PVC box with custom graphics available in either blue or yellow design themes, the card shooter, the ribbon and glue stick launchers, plus a gimmick where a card with the letter "B" pops up at the front of the box without your knowledge for an added laugh moment.
We have parlor-sized theme kits and stage-sized theme kits available (each sold separately) with everything you need to change out the trick for special shows:
- Christmas
- Halloween
- Dinosaur
- Ocean
- Pirate
- Magic
Nothing like it on the market today!
Watch Tricky Tim's extended routine for our Alphabet Box!
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