Silly Soda
The Trickiest of Bottles
It starts off like the regular topsy turvy routine but that's where the similarity ends!
The magician introduces a sign from the Silly Soda Bottling Company and explains it is the newest soda on the market. "It has giggles in every gulp. Just listen." He leans over toward the sign and a funny laughing sound effect is heard.
The magician now brings out 2 bottles of Silly Soda and two tube-like covers and hands one set to the child. The magician wants the child to copy every move so he can do the magic too, but he is a little slow with the movements so the magician waits so the child can catch up.
The first time the magician''s bottle is magically upside down in the tube but the child's is right side up. They again set up the same way but this time after turning the bottles over, the magican pulls his bottle out by the neck and the child fights to grab his bottle because it is upside down. The magician will wait so the child can catch up.
He offers the child a magic hat or tallisman (use your favorite gag prop or hat) to help, but the magician's bottle is always facing a different direction than the child's.
The magician explains to the child that the audience was laughing because he could not catch up with the magician's actions so the child's bottle always looked different than the magician's. He tells the child that they were both playing a trick on the audience and asks him to remove his bottle from the tube and show a bottle of Silly Soda.
Actually it's the audience that was missing the plot and they were the ones who had to catch up. Upon lifting his tube, the magician reveals he is using a bottle of ketchup!